“Finally, Some Really Good News, Pt1”


Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School; 10:40 A.M. - Worship Service

Jan. 05, 2025

“Finally, Some Really Good News”
Romans 3:21-31
Central Idea: We’re not made righteous by doing something, we’re
declared righteous by believing the gospel.
Romans 1:18-3:20 — Theme: _____
Romans 3:21-5:21 — Theme: ________________
I. God’s Solution to mankind’s sin: __________ in Jesus Christ
A. “But now” (21a)
• Paul’s phrase to turn from the __________ situation to
something ______________ God does for us.
Then we were... But now we are…
1. Under God’s _________ 1. Under God’s _________
2. Spiritually _______ 2. Spiritually _______
3. _______________ 3. _____________ righteous
4. _________ 4. _____________
5. In ______ of salvation 5. ________________ of salvation
II. Our awesome salvation
A. Salvation is apart from the _______ (21a)
• “apart” - a distinct ________________ from something
This makes Christianity _________ from any other religion.
B. Salvation is ___________ in the Old Testament (21b)
• Paul wants us to know the Old Testament & New Testament
have the _______ message.
• Both _________ justification by faith.
C. Salvation is _____________ by God (22a)
Where does this righteousness come from?
• Answer: It comes from ________.
The righteousness that God ____________ is the righteousness
that He ___________.
D. Salvation is _____________ by faith (22b)
• How do we get this righteousness that God demands?
• By faith in Jesus Christ
• Faith is the ________.
• The _________ of our faith is Jesus Christ.
E. Salvation is _________ by all (23)
• “For all have sinned” - ______ tense
Here's the common denominator of all _______________.
• “fall short of the glory of God.” Present tense = ______________
• What is the “glory of God” we fall short of?
God’s _____________ - His holiness - The ______________ to
which we fail to measure up.
1. ___________ in your salvation.
2. ___________ your need for salvation.
• Faith in _________ or putting faith in ____________.
• When you have faith in Jesus, you _____________ your
confidence from yourself to Jesus.