“Justification Has It’s Privileges” (Part 1)


Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School; 10:40 A.M. - Worship Service

Mar. 02, 2025

“Justification Has It’s Privileges” (Part 1)
Romans 5:1-11
Central Idea: God’s justification of believers results in great
spiritual blessings.
I. Reminders about justification (1a)
A. “Therefore” - draw ___________ based on previous statements
B. Justification is by faith - “having been justified by faith”
• This faith is in what God has done for us through _________.
C. Justification is by grace - “having been justified”
• Passive = ______ doing something on our behalf = justified us
D. Justification is _______-____-____ and never ________________
• justification is not a __________, it takes place at point in time
• We don’t _________ in justification.
II. Because we have been justified by faith we have…
A. Peace with God (1b)
Difference between “Peace with God” and “Peace of God”
• Peace with God is ___________ - Peace of God is ____________
1. This peace is something that exists because we are __________
• Peace with God means God has nothing ____________ us.
2. The hostilities have ___________.
3. There is actually ________________ with God.
Isaiah 53:5Ephesians 2:14Colossians 1:20
B. Access to God (2a) “through whom also” = another benefit
1. Introduction or access
• “introduction” (NASB) - sometimes we need an introduction
• “access" (NIV/ESV) = “bringing _____”; “freedom to _______”
2. We receive ______________ from access to God.
Hebrews 10:19, 22
• We have a ____________ given to us in the hour of need.
3. We have _______________ in our access to God
• “stand” - perfect tense - past act with _______________ results.
Jude 24
C. Hope (2b)
1. “Exult” - “to live with joyful __________________”
2. Hope is a ____________.
• English implies ________________
• Biblical hope = “the _____________ expectation”
3. This hope is _____________ on the “the glory of God”
• “glory” = the _______________ of God
• We know God will ________________ all He has planned.
1. As a believer take ______________ of the blessings of justification.
• Take every advantage and come daily, consistently, often into
the ____________ of our glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2. Unless you have been justified, these wonderful benefits are
______ available to you.
• Peace with God, access to God, and the assurance of our future
glory with God are only for those who have ____________ in
Jesus as their Savior.