Miracles & Parables of Jesus: "But Now I See"


Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School; 10:40 A.M. - Worship Service

Aug. 18, 2024

“But Now I See”
John 9:1-41
Central Idea: Only Jesus gives us the greatest gift of spiritual sight,
that is salvation.
I. First miracle - physical sight (1-7)
• Disciples’s __________ question (1-2)
Great suffering could not be thought of apart from great ____.
• Jesus’s ______________ answer (3-5)
No __________, but instead “Let’s get to work!”
• Jesus heals the man (6-7)
Simply - “came back seeing”
Jesus gave sight to a man who had _________ seen before.
II. Reaction (8-34)
• Neighbors 8-12
There is ______________ among the people
“I am the one.” — I’m right here. It’s me.
• Pharisees 13-34
The man & the Pharisees (13-17)
• Ask “how” _________________ this could happen.
• Division - _________________ idea of Jesus.
The man’s parents & the Pharisees (18-23)
• Parents __________: this man is our son & he was born blind.
• ________ is driving the parents.
The man & the Pharisees - Part 2 (24-34)
• #1 - ____________ tactic: ___________ Jesus
• Pharisees: Agree with us that Jesus is a ___________.
• #2 - __________________ tactic:
• We are disciples of _________, not Jesus
• #3 - Excommunication tactic: ___________ attack
III. Second miracle - spiritual sight (35-38)
The key to this section: ____________
Scripture is clear that believing is the only way to ______________.
IV. The blind Pharisees are condemned (39-41)
• The ____________ for Jesus’s coming was salvation,
• but the __________ of His coming was condemnation of those
who would not believe.
1. Jesus is the Son of God.
• Not just a good ____________, not just a good _______.
• Old Testament:
• no miracle of giving sight to the blind ___________.
• only associated with _______: Exodus 4:11, Psalm 146:8
• ____________ of Messiah healing the blind (Isaiah 29:18; 61:1-2)
Jesus is recorded as giving sight to the blind _____ times.
________ miracles of Jesus’ healing blindness than anything else.
Only miracle where Jesus healed a ______________ issue.
2. The actions of Jesus demand a ______________.
Can’t stay _____________:
• must _________________ miracle and the __________________
of the miracle - Jesus is the Messiah.
• or deny the miracle to keep Jesus from being ______________.