Miracles & Parables of Jesus: "Lord of All"


Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School; 10:40 A.M. - Worship Service

Jul. 28, 2024

“Lord of All”
Mark 5:1-20
Central Idea: Jesus has remarkable authority over the powers of
I. The powers of darkness are ________ (1-2)
• _____ times Jesus heals those who are demon possessed.
• Other verses also refer to His _______________ over darkness.
• The Gospels are a time in Israel’s history of unprecedented
______________ activity.
• Application:
• Spiritual battles still ______________ in our day.
• “Satan is no less ________ in our region. He just uses different
________ to achieve his nefarious ends.”
II. The powers of darkness are ________ (3-5)
A. “his dwelling was among the tombs” (3a)
• ________ from society (likely a Gentile, not Jewish)
B. __________________ (3-4a)
• chains & shackles had worked to constrain him, but not ______
C. __________________ (5)
• trying to hurt himself, to destroy himself
• Scriptures most ________ picture of a demon possessed person.
• Application:
• Do not ________ around with the evil powers of darkness.
Deuteronomy 18:10-11
• The Holy Spirit is the _____ Spirit we should have in our lives.
III. Jesus confronts and controls the powers of darkness (6-13)
A. Four indications the demon was aware of Jesus authority. (6-8)
1. Demon ___________ down before Him (6)
2. Demon used Jesus’ __________ name (7)
3. Demon appealed to Jesus not to ___________ him (7)
Matthew 25:41
4. Jesus is ___________ the demon out of the man. (8)
B. Jesus casts out the demons (9-13)
1. Not one, but _________ demons (9)
2. The demons don’t want to be permanently _________. (10-13)
C. Questions:
1. What happened to the demons after they killed the pigs?
• “Whenever Jesus encountered demons, they ________.”
2. Why did Jesus allow the demons to go into the pigs?
• ___________ a miracle of deliverance had really taken place.
• Satan is all about __________________.
IV. The response to Jesus’ power over darkness (14-20)
• The people (14-17) — ________: drive Jesus away
• The man (18-20) — _____________: sharing Jesus
1. Don’t be ____________ of the powers of darkness (Satan).
2. Jesus has set us ________.