Miracles & Parables of Jesus: "VIP Seating"


Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School; 10:40 A.M. - Worship Service

Aug. 04, 2024

Miracles & Parables of Jesus: "VIP Seating"

“VIP Seating”
Luke 14:1-11
Central Idea: Don’t exalt yourself, let God do it. Be humble.
I. Context (1-6)
• Larger context — Luke 11:53-54
• Specific context
#1 - Jesus is a __________ in the home of a leading Pharisee
#2 - on the _______________
#3 - for a ________ (“to eat bread” - idiom)
#4 - “they are ______________ him closely”
#5 - Jesus __________ the man
II. Parable (7-11)
A. The ___________ for the parable (7)
• “how they had been picking out the places honor.”
• guests had tried to get the places of honor ____________ to
their host in order to showcase their own importance.
• Jesus gave the parable to _________ the pride of the Pharisees.
B. The ______________ of the parable (8-10)
1. What not to do (8-9)
• Each individual has been ____________ to the wedding feast.
• Jesus warns don’t over estimate your ___________.
• “This seat is for someone more ______________ than you.”
2. What to do (10)
• Be humble and take the _______ seat and see if the host comes
and __________ you to a place of higher honor.
• Possible that among all the guests invited you are the _______!
C. The ____________ of the parable (11)
• Self-exaltation leads to ________________, but humility results
in ________________.
• The principle operates in the _________ and in the _________.
• Honored guests in God’s kingdom, would be those who
humbled themselves by _______________ Jesus.
1. Be ________________ of pride coming into your life.
• Sin is so _______________ and ___________.
2. You stay humble when you put…
• the _________ first
• #1 - ______________________ God as the giver of all you have.
• #2 - Be _______________ to the Lord for all you have received.
• #3 - Read the __________.
• __________ second
• _____________ others helps us be humble and avoid pride.
• Who can I serve this week?
• ______________ last