"The Bible on Baptism"


Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School; 10:40 A.M. - Worship Service

Dec. 03, 2023

“The Bible on Baptism”
Central Idea: In baptism we identify ourselves with Jesus.
1. The Bible teaches baptism is a __________ of God (Matt. 28:18-20)
Baptism is not ________ idea, but ________.
Go and make disciples (followers)
• baptism is part of being a ___________
Baptism was __________ and _____________ in the early church.
2. The Bible teaches baptism is ______ about salvation.
• Baptism does not ________, nor is it ____________ for salvation.
• The Bible clearly teaches salvation is by ______________ in what
Jesus did for us.
• John 3:16
• Acts 16:30-31
• Romans 1:16
• Paul’s ______________: Ephesians 2:8-9
• Paul’s ______________: 1 Corinthians 1:17
• Baptism (like any other act of obedience) is not a _______ to be
saved, it is the ____________ of being saved.
• Baptism _____________ to one’s salvation.
3. The Bible teaches baptism is about ________________________.
• “baptize” means to “______, ____________.”
• Baptism is the way we openly _______________ ourselves as a
follower of Jesus Christ.
• Baptism answers the question: “To _________ do you belong?”
•Water baptism is an ____________, _______________ symbol of
an __________, ______________ action.
• Romans 6:1-4 — We are ______________ with Christ
Romans 6:1-2
• “When did we die to sin?”
Romans 6:3
•Baptism portrays our ____________ in the death of Christ
Romans 6:4
•Baptism portrays our ____________ of life in Christ
1. If you have never trusted Christ as your personal Savior
• ____________
2. If you have trusted Christ but have not been baptized
• _______
3. If you have believed and been baptized
• _______ for Christ