"The Impact of the Gospel"


Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School; 10:40 A.M. - Worship Service

Sep. 15, 2024

“The Impact of the Gospel”
Romans 1:1-7
Central Idea: The gospel has a powerful impact on the life of the
I. The impact of the gospel on Paul (1)
• Paul is the ___________ of the letter.
1. Paul is a _______-___________ of Christ Jesus.
• The strongest word = the most _____________ servitude.
2. Paul is called to be an _____________.
• “apostle” - special term reserved for only a ______ in the N.T.
• authority comes from ______; has the right to _______ for God.
• eyewitness of the ________________ Jesus and “__________”
3. Paul is ______________ to the gospel of God.
• to ______________ the gospel of God
• Sharing the gospel is the driving _________ in the life of Paul.
II. The facts of the Gospel (2-5)
1. The gospel comes from _______ (2)
• The gospel was a ___________ God “promised” in the O.T.
• It's the __________ of the Old Testament.
2. The gospel ____________ on God’s Son, Jesus Christ. (3-4)
• Human - ________ = showing His humanity.
• descendant of King David - qualification to be the __________
• Divine - Jesus is the ___________ Son of God
• The resurrection __________ all Jesus’ claims.
• Jesus - ___________; Christ - ________; Lord - sovereign _______
3. The gospel’s ____________ is to produce belief in Jesus (5)
• Faith is _______________ to God
• God _____________ everyone to believe in Christ.
III. The impact of the gospel on the Romans (6-7)
1. “called of Jesus Christ” — the idea of _________________
• They _________ to Jesus Christ.
2. “beloved of God”
• Jesus is God’s beloved son & if we are Jesus’ (and we are), then
we too are beloved because we __________ to Jesus.
3. “called as saints”
• They are not to ____________ saints, they are saints _______!
• We are saints the moment we put our _______ in Jesus as Savior.
The salutation ends with “grace and peace” which are ___________
from God and from Jesus Christ because of the gospel.
1. Has the gospel made an ____________ impact on your life?
• Do you have absolute confidence you are one of God’s ________?
2. Is the gospel making a _________ impact on your life?
• Live in such a way as to make Jesus ___________ every day and
in every place God takes you.
• You are a saint. Can the world ______ it?