“The Plain, Simple, Rejected Truth”


Sunday: 9:30 A.M. - Sunday School; 10:40 A.M. - Worship Service

Oct. 06, 2024

“The Plain, Simple, Rejected Truth”
Romans 1:18-23
Central Idea: Sin places us under God’s wrath.
I. The Wrath of God (18)
• “wrath of God”
Not - irrational _________
God's opposition to ______ in our world;
_____________, _____________, _____________ and _________
• “ungodliness” = sin against ______; to live like there is ____ God
• “unrighteousness” = sin against other ___________
• “suppress the truth”
suppress - “to _______ ________”
II. Reasons for God’s wrath (19-23)
1. We have knowledge of God (19-20)
• “because” points back to “suppress”
• “evident” - __________, __________, __________, __________
• Rejection of God is the _____________ irrationality.
2. We Ignore God (21)
• To honor God = __________ God
• To thank God is the _______________ that God is the source
of all we are and all we have.
• Man’s mind — If truth is absent, ________ replaces it.
• futile speculations: sinfully use our minds to __________ our
own gods
• foolish heart darkened: heart = _______, __________ & _______
3. We Replace God (22-23)
• “fools” (one who __________ God)
• English word “__________” = __________
• Replace God with:
• man - who has no __________ over even his own life
• birds - “______ _________”
• four footed animals
• reptiles
• today: _____________, ________, ________, & _____________
1. We are ________ before God and our attempts to deny this
doesn’t make things any ________.
• God ________.
• God is unlike what you ______________ Him to be.
• God must and will deal with your _______.
• Only Jesus can _________ us.